Asbestos exposure poses a danger to firefighters because of its past popularity as an insulator.
Although relatively harmless when left undisturbed, firefighters and paramedics frequently enter older,
poorly-maintained structures where this material likely resides in a damaged form, allowing it to be ingested and developed into cancer.
Mesothelioma is a very aggressive cancer so patients and their families may struggle when determining the best treatment option. Use these websites to help better understand your options.
Mesothelioma Symptoms is a great resource to learn additional information regarding Asbestos exposure and Mesothelioma.
Another web site with more than 3,000 pages of content, including information on asbestos, mesothelioma, and other cancers that are caused by asbestos exposure is at
Mesothelioma is almost always associated with exposure to asbestos. Once a predominant material used in the construction and manufacturing sectors,
asbestos was popular because of its non-conductive, non-flammable and heatproof qualities. It is also strong, pliable and inexpensive. When asbestos is damaged or cut, however,
it can disintegrate into a fine dust composed of microscopic, sharp fibers. These fibers are too small to be caught by the lungs' natural filtration system, and eventually make their way to the mesothelium,
where they penetrate the cells.
Check out these websites for further details.
BCFA does not recommend or indorse any of these sites, these have been shared with us and we are simply sharing them with others.